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About Us

Shared Flavours, Shared Stories

In the heart of the city, a Chinese restaurant isn't just about food; we believe food is an amazing tool that connects people and can be used against discrimination. Motivated by a deep desire to bring people together, our dishes celebration of Chinese culture, weaving stories that foster understanding. We hope to bridge diverse individuals over shared appreciation for delicious cuisine, dispelling misconceptions one meal at a time.

Citrus Fruits

Our Story

In the challenging landscape of the pandemic, Asian businesses, including our own, have faced hardships as perceptions of safety have unfairly affected them. The stigma surrounding Asian establishments has posed hindered our ability to thrive in these uncertain times.


However, we are determined to fight discrimination with the universal language of food. We will continue to host events promoting inclusivity and challenging stereotypes. By standing with us, you contribute to a community that believes in breaking down barriers and celebrating diversity one plate at a time.

The Conflict

There exists conflict between Americans and Asian-Americans. Asian hate incidents significantly increased when the world wide pandemic was announced on March 13th, 2020 in America. This is due to the perceived disease threats that Asians pose because of racializing terms such as the "Chinese Virus". A behavioural immune system then influences the actions of Americans who view Asians as a perceived disease threat. This is further amplified by social identity and categorization of people. Asians tend to be categorized as a singular outgroup and are seen as different from Americans.

We believe that if we successfully dismantle the perceived disease threats and promote group cohesion, we can stop this conflict. Research suggests that  increased positive contact between Asian and American groups can lower outgroup prejudice, although all groups are welcome to participate in our food events!

Our Solutions

Moving forward, our commitment to promoting positive contact between diverse groups remains unwavering. We recognize the power of food in dismantling perceived threats and creating connections. We will continue working alongside our sponsors in joining communities through our events. Hosting events that celebrate cultural exchange while educating people is our way of expression.


By utilizing the universal appeal of food, we aim to eliminate misconceptions. Your continued support allows us to contribute to building bridges. Join us on this journey of unity through food, as we persist in our dedication to eliminating prejudice and fostering a more connected, community.

In short, we hope to educate and promote positive intergroup contact through our events and food as a way to dismantle the perceived threats and social categorizations that formed since the declaration of a global pandemic

Our Past Projects

Our Partners

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